This is a continuation of Part 12: A Buddhist Temple in Seoul
To start from the beginning go to Part 1: Flying to Tokyo
This was originally a food post....but I got carried away (you'll see what I mean) so this post mutated into a short anecdote with a massively long tangent about Samsung's AnyCall commercials.
Anyway, I'm sure many of you have heard of (or experienced) the miseries of dealing with road-side emergency auto repair services....having to wait several hours by a high way in the middle of the night for a tow truck to come, the expenses, the unfriendly service people etc. Consequently, I would to share this story with you....
My aunt's car wouldn't start in the parking garage. It had been fine a couple hours ago but since she might have left the lights on or something, the car had completely died. So my aunt called her car service on her cell and literally within 10 minutes the Samsung AnyCar arrived.
Massive Tangent: And yes, Samsung AnyCar as in the famous Samsung AnyCall AnyMotion, AnyClub, AnyStar, and AnyBand music videos. I quite enjoyed these infamously long "commercials" (crazy long MVs) so here they all are :D Oh man, Hyoriwas is so hot.... It's no wonder Samsung phones got so popular xD These were my favorite MVs back in the day~ So fun to watch! And oh boy does Hyori bring out all my body image insecurities xD~ Btw sorry about not being able to find subbed versions of all of them, but they're all pretty self-explanatory.
The first 3 are all one storyline arch - mostly about making it in the dance world and lurve~ AnyBand was a project group (BoA, Tablo, Junsu, Jin Bora) using music to break free of a dystopian world.
Part 1: AnyMotion
Feat: Hyori, Eric Mun
Oh Eric, why so cute ^_^?
Part 2: AnyClub, Part 2 (2005)
Feat: Hyori, Eric Mun, Kwon Song Woo
Part 3: AnyStar (2006)
Feat: Hyori, Park Bom (2NE1), Lee Junki
AnyBand (2007)
Songs: Talk Play Love (TPL), Promise U, Daydream
Feat: BoA, Tablo (Epik High), Jin Bora, Junsu (DBSK *sigh*)
So to continue: Even with crazy Seoul traffic, the Samsung AnyCar dude was there in 10 minutes. Apparently he used some sort of GPS device to find my aunt's car so there was no need for her to even say where she was. This dude drove up, took a look in the car, fiddled around, and the car was working in 5 minutes flat. He also brought us bottles of ice cold water as a service - yeah, I don't this would even occur to American auto services - WITH NAPKINS (to wipe off the condensation) to drink while we waited since it was a summer day. My aunt told me during the winter they bring tea since it's cold -_-;; While my mind was busy processing the bottle of water that the car dude was telling my aunt that her car was fixed and commented that he was glad we didn't need a battery replacement although he had brought an extra battery just in case. My aunt tried to give him a tip for coming so fast but he turned it down and said that it all a part of the company philosophy (hear that, that's the sound of my mind being blown), thanked US for being so patient (cuz we waited for a grand total of 15 minutes from start to finish), hopped in his car, and that was it. As we drove away I commented to my aunt that I was very impressed by the service, to which my aunt replied that the kind of impeccable emergency repair service I had just witnessed came free with her car for as long as she owns the car. Maybe it was just me but my mind was boggled by the whole event. I feel like you'd have to pay a small fortune for that kind of auto service in the States.
Anyway. That's my story ^_^ I hope this post wasn't too random xD
Continue to Part 14: Seoul Food P0rn
To start from the beginning go to Part 1: Flying to Tokyo
This was originally a food post....but I got carried away (you'll see what I mean) so this post mutated into a short anecdote with a massively long tangent about Samsung's AnyCall commercials.
Anyway, I'm sure many of you have heard of (or experienced) the miseries of dealing with road-side emergency auto repair services....having to wait several hours by a high way in the middle of the night for a tow truck to come, the expenses, the unfriendly service people etc. Consequently, I would to share this story with you....
Stupid camera :(! So blurry...
My aunt's car wouldn't start in the parking garage. It had been fine a couple hours ago but since she might have left the lights on or something, the car had completely died. So my aunt called her car service on her cell and literally within 10 minutes the Samsung AnyCar arrived.
Massive Tangent: And yes, Samsung AnyCar as in the famous Samsung AnyCall AnyMotion, AnyClub, AnyStar, and AnyBand music videos. I quite enjoyed these infamously long "commercials" (crazy long MVs) so here they all are :D Oh man, Hyori
The first 3 are all one storyline arch - mostly about making it in the dance world and lurve~ AnyBand was a project group (BoA, Tablo, Junsu, Jin Bora) using music to break free of a dystopian world.
Part 1: AnyMotion
Feat: Hyori, Eric Mun
Oh Eric, why so cute ^_^?
Part 2: AnyClub, Part 1 (2005)
Feat: Hyori, Eric Mun, Kwon Song Woo (lookin' all sleezy if you ask me xD)
Part 2: AnyClub, Part 2 (2005)
Feat: Hyori, Eric Mun, Kwon Song Woo
Part 3: AnyStar (2006)
Feat: Hyori, Park Bom (2NE1), Lee Junki
I love Park Bom either way...but PB looked SO much better before she went nuts with the collagen injections :( She looks so fresh, spunky, and can show actual facial expressions in this MV. *sigh*
AnyBand (2007)
Songs: Talk Play Love (TPL), Promise U, Daydream
Feat: BoA, Tablo (Epik High), Jin Bora, Junsu (DBSK *sigh*)
I forgot how good Tablo's lyrics are "music she saved my life, so I'm loving her both day and night" :} I always thought AnyBand could've done with a sequel (what with BoA and Tablo doing the whole "staring at each other longingly thing") but oh wellz. Jin Bora is a jazz pianist for those who don't know who she is btw.
That's got to have been the world's longest tangent ever...
So to continue: Even with crazy Seoul traffic, the Samsung AnyCar dude was there in 10 minutes. Apparently he used some sort of GPS device to find my aunt's car so there was no need for her to even say where she was. This dude drove up, took a look in the car, fiddled around, and the car was working in 5 minutes flat. He also brought us bottles of ice cold water as a service - yeah, I don't this would even occur to American auto services - WITH NAPKINS (to wipe off the condensation) to drink while we waited since it was a summer day. My aunt told me during the winter they bring tea since it's cold -_-;; While my mind was busy processing the bottle of water that the car dude was telling my aunt that her car was fixed and commented that he was glad we didn't need a battery replacement although he had brought an extra battery just in case. My aunt tried to give him a tip for coming so fast but he turned it down and said that it all a part of the company philosophy (hear that, that's the sound of my mind being blown), thanked US for being so patient (cuz we waited for a grand total of 15 minutes from start to finish), hopped in his car, and that was it. As we drove away I commented to my aunt that I was very impressed by the service, to which my aunt replied that the kind of impeccable emergency repair service I had just witnessed came free with her car for as long as she owns the car. Maybe it was just me but my mind was boggled by the whole event. I feel like you'd have to pay a small fortune for that kind of auto service in the States.
Anyway. That's my story ^_^ I hope this post wasn't too random xD
Continue to Part 14: Seoul Food P0rn